
What Is Certified Organic Hemp?

Are you interested in purchasing certified organic hemp for their health benefits from relaxation to increased focus? You can browse a selection of standard hemp, but won’t always know what you’re getting. Or you can choose certified organic hemp that brings additional benefits and peace of mind to your next purchase.

The differences between choosing traditional hemp and an organic option can impact your experience with the product. But first, let’s see how they’re alike. Both conventional and certified organic hemp is non-GMO and grown without pesticides. However, that’s where the similarities end.

Skips the Chemical Fertilizers

Organic hemp doesn’t use synthetic fertilizer or pesticides during its growing cycle the way its traditional products do. Instead, certified organic hemp typically uses natural fertilizers, like animal manures. The hemp certification also requires that the land itself not using chemical or synthetic fertilizers for at least 36-months. This often requires a farm to transition to organic before they can become certified.

Meets the National Organic Program Standards

USDA guidelines stipulate that crops and products certified as “organic” begin in the field, and organic hemp is no different. When the 2018 Farm Bill passed, hemp no longer became a controlled substance and is a legal agricultural crop. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) also allows hemp to be considered organic. Any part of the hemp plant can be certified, including the seeds and their derivatives, extracts, salts, hemp hearts, hemp oil, fiber, grain, and other parts of the plant.

Less Processing Involved

Beyond the harsh fertilizers and pesticides common in growing CBD related products, certified organic hemp also goes through strict processing once the plant is harvested. A typical hemp product may endure additional processes and chemicals to get it ready for market. The organic version must adhere to stricter standards and are more likely to contain uncompromised cannabinoids that are free from chemical manipulation.

Comes at a Reasonable Price Point

Incredibly cheap hemp or CBD oil is a big red flag. Certified organic hemp should come with a reasonable price tag that doesn’t compete. If you find a retailer promising only organic products, but they’re nowhere close to the price point of anything you’ve ever seen, you’re not getting organic hemp. It’s one thing to come across a flash sale once in a while; it’s another to hit the hemp jackpot day after day. Chances are it’s so diluted it doesn’t work or is entirely counterfeit.

Offers Peace of Mind

CBD Topical Cream

The term organic is thrown around casually these days but can significantly differ when it comes to hemp. The industry is still relatively unregulated, and choosing any CBD products off of Amazon could mean you’re buying an imitation product. Hemp certification is a designation that is relatively new and challenging to obtain. The certificate also indicates a high commitment to quality. You also know your hemp product comes from a farm that went through both the USDA and NOP’s strict processes.

If you work with a reputable farm and distributor, it’s always possible to get high quality hemp that is not organic. However, it’s more challenging and less reliable than going with organic.

Gives Back to the Environment

Certified organic hemp does more than help your body without the use of harsh chemicals. Organic help can also help the environment by focusing on the health of topsoil. Instead of adding chemicals and harsh chemicals to the earth, organic hemp can improve the topsoil and reduce carbon and methane emissions.

Are you interested in purchasing certified organic hemp products? Browse the Pure Body Zen selection, or get in touch with questions about their benefits and quality.

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